What title do you prefer for a rock magazine

What is the main thing you read a magazine for?

How much money are you willing to spend on a magazine?

How often would you buy a magazine?

What colour scheme do you prefer?

What genre of music do you prefer?

What age bracket are you in?

Are you Male or Female?

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Analysis of pole

From looking at the results from my pole i now have a better idea what to include in my music magazine. From looking at my results i have now found the title for my music magazine as it got majority of the votes my title is going to be called 'UNCUT'. I also found out what most people buy a music magazine and people voted interviews so i will now add an interview in my magazine. I also found out how much people are willing to spend on a music magazine and the result was £2=3. Most people voted that they only buy a magazine once a month. Most people that voted on my pole for the best colour scheme voted for red, black and white and this is my personal favourite anyway. The majority of votes to there favourite genre was rock and that has made me decide to do rock as i was not sure which one to do out of rock and RnB. The age of people voting were majoritily in the age bracket of 13-7, and had an evan amount of men and women taking the questionaire.

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